Moog Midden (Yat Kitischee)
Phase I, II, III and lab This Safety Harbor to Weeden Island Period coastal village site was a major public archaeology project, surveyed and excavated over a three year period with Native American cooperation. Noted for its human “bundle burials,” archaeological analysis revealed that the hamlet was occupied for over a thousand years, starting around 100 B.C. and ending around 1200 A.D.
Yat Kitischee A nice overview of the project, published by the Pinellas County Commission.
AWIARE Records maintained by the Alliance for Weedon Island Archaeological Research and Education.
North Hardee Mine Extension (#4)
Phase III This multi-activity inland habitation site may have served as a base camp during the Orange Period, a cultural epoch that lasted from around 2000 B.C. to 500 B.C. Excavation yielded useful information about Late Archaic lithic procurement and stone tool production in the Peace River drainage system.
Summer Haven (Matanzas Bridge)
Phase III and lab The discovery and excavation of this early Orange Period coastal village resulted in the recovery of 143 cultural features, including 14 human burials, and the identification of five habitation structures. Field work was conducted over a 24-week period with the movement of 50,000 cubic feet of soil. Subsequent laboratory analysis was conducted over a three-year period. Fiber-tempered pottery found at the site was radio-carbon dated to be over 4,070 years old (+-60 years), making it some of the oldest pottery ever discovered in the United States.
I-4 Tampa Interstate Study
Phase I, II A total of 35 pre-historic and historic sites were discovered during this overland survey, including 8HI515 (Muck Pond East Site) and an encampment of Billy Bowlegs, leader of the Seminoles in Florida during the Seminole Wars. At the time, the project was part of the largest interstate highway expansion in the nation. Subsequent investigations within urban Tampa and rural Hillsborough County resulted in the designation two historic districts and a National Historical Landmark.
Florida Turnpike Extension
Phase I, II Six alignment alternatives for the Florida Department of Transportation were surveyed along a 40-mile trek through rural and wildland Florida. A total of 27 cultural resources were recorded, including two National Register eligible archaeological sites.
West Pasture Site
Lab This Late Archaic to Mississippian Period occupation site (800 to 1500 A.D.) included a lithic and ceramic scatter that contained over 16,000 artifacts.
Cobblestone Village South
Lab Artifacts, faunal remains and cultural features were excavated from this Late Archaic Period to St. John’s Period shell midden (circa 2500 B.C. to 1000 A.D.).
Fort Brooke / Lightning Arena Site
Phase II, III and lab This Second Seminole War site (circa 1840 A.D.) revealed pre-historic cultural features, historic artifacts and human burials relating to Fort Brooke, a U.S. military encampment that preceded the city of Tampa. The discovery of the human burials — combined with the site’s location in downtown Tampa — drew considerable public attention during the excavation.
Avon Park Air Force Range
Phase I A sampling survey of this 106,000-acre tract was designed to test a predictive model developed by the United States Air Force on the basis of environmental variables and historic maps. The survey resulted in the documentation of 35 pre-historic and historic sites.
Have participated in over 50 cultural resource assessments throughout Florida and the southeastern United States