3- scale primary colors as represented in the pigments quinacridone, arylide and phthalocyanine
5-scale primary mixing colors the CMY pigments from above, plus two primaries from the RGB model: naphthol and lapis lazuli
#000000 033 M Magenta
#000000 001 R Red
#000000 049 Y Yellow
mixing a 12-color color wheel [ ➔ ] the ratios of pigments needed to approximate the 1:1 proportions of transmissive light — notice the uneven ratios of pigments to create an even color scale
10-color mixing scale attempting an even ratio of pigment mixing yields a very different color scale
all together now ( gradience ) on a screen big enough, this should be a grid radiating out from yellow at center
This acrylic paint color mixing chart was created with Lascaux Sirius Acryl acrylic paint (using the Lascaux Sirius drop system) applied to a white Acrylite extruded acrylic glass sheet surface. The color swatches were then are digitally photographed in 5000K daylight (Pantone D50), processed digitally in sRGB colorspace, and then white-balance color-corrected using a 50% Grey Card on a standard sRGB color gamut monitor.
Special thanks to artist Rob Duarte for letting me use his superhuge laser cutter, the machine with which we created the 1-inch square acrylic swatch bases.
last modified December 20, 2017